Digital Imaging and PACS training course: Master of Appliedd Diagnostic Imaging 8-12 Nov 2022


Download Student Hand-out (PDF)  Nov 11th 2022

Download Course Schedule (PDF)

Download pre-test solution (PDF)


Congratulate speech

Good morning honored guests President of PARI and organizing committee, Head of Master of Diagnostic Imaging’s program, Head of Postgraduate Program and all participants

On behalf of the department of radiological technology, faculty of medical technology Mahidol university, I would like to thank all of you to come and participate in this Digital Imaging and PACS training.

I believe we will have a fruitful training and gaining much knowledge for our practice and service in your organizations from this 5-day course that packed with lectures and practical activities. Hope you all will enjoy them.

I would like to pass my thanks to the organizers who make this training possible and hope to continue our strong collaboration in the future.

Thank you.


Assoc Prof. Yudthaphon Vichianin, Ph.D.

Department Head, Radiological Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University. Thailand.

ISRRT’s Director of Education

November 8th , 2022